Courtney’s Coffee Talks – March 2022

This past weekend, my fiancé, Mark, and I were casually sipping coffee at Starbucks, and I began to reflect on the last year. A year ago, I moved from Orlando, FL to Casper, WY to further my career as a Financial Advisor, becoming partners with Mandy and working alongside her full-time. In a short time, […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talks – Winter 2020

This past Sunday, after my usual morning cup of coffee, I laced my sneakers, set my watch, and headed out for my long run. I logged 3.5 miles at a 10’15 per mile average pace, and felt like I was on top of the world. I may have mentioned it before, but during 2019, I […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talks – Fall 2020

While I was sipping my coffee the other morning, my grandfather, whom we affectionately call Papa, called me from his smartphone to ask about the specifications for a birdhouse he is building me. Building birdhouses has become one of his passions, and I am fortunate enough to be next in line. My Papa may not […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talks – Summer 2020

Since about the beginning of March, all my coffees have been sipped from home. Just like all of you, this Financial Advisor hasn’t been immune to the trials and tribulations COVID-19 and social distancing have unleashed on us all. Optimism is hard to find somedays, while others, I feel so content with this new normal. […]
I’m Worried I Will Run Out Of Money in Retirement

Stocks Wrap Up the First Quarter with Double-Digit Declines

To say that a lot has changed in the last month is the understatement of the year or a lifetime. The markets are playing a weak supporting role to the worst healthcare challenge in our generation, as well as the worst economic problem since 2008. The good news is that policymakers are unleashing all the […]
Perspective on COVID-19

At the end of January, I was on a trip in New York City. Times Square was full of eager busy bodies, soaking in the vibrancy and allure of such a coveted destination. As I think back on that trip, it feels so distant from where I am today; working from home in my attempt […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talk – Spring 2020

As I sipped my coffee this morning, the S&P 500 fell just shy of 7%. I know what you’re thinking, how could I possibly have time to enjoy coffee when I should be running around panicking right? Wrong. I spent my weekend attending class (which I will be doing through September, but I will save […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talk – Winter 2019

For about three weeks now, I have been scribbling down notes on a piece of scratch paper. Any guess what those notes might be? Given the time of year, I’ll bet a few of you guessed right…resolutions. For those of you who know me rather personally, I am extremely goal oriented. I can’t get through […]
Courtney’s Coffee Talk – Fall 2019

Sunday morning is my favorite time to have coffee. Monday to Friday (and when I work on Saturdays), I usually feel as though I am drinking it for the caffeine, to kickstart my energy for a never-ending busy week. Sundays I feel content; nowhere to be (except for church at 7PM), and unlimited time to […]