Preserving Wealth

You’ve worked hard to successfully grow your wealth and you want to preserve it – to feel secure about the future. Your team at Agility Wealth Management has the expertise and resources to help you transition to a more conservative investment approach, one that helps you meet your income and liquidity needs while thoughtfully pursuing growth. An effective wealth management strategy also considers the role insurance and estate planning can play in mitigating risk, and plans for any scenario that might cause you to worry. Together, you and your advisor will plan for all of life’s events – the expected and the unexpected.

Your Portfolio

Guided by the prectice’s commitment to conservatism, Agility Wealth Management advisors understand the importance of avoiding unnecessary risk with your investment portfolio. Your advisor has access to quality resources should it be appropriate to take a more risk-averse approach, one focused on providing income as well as growing wealth.


Risk management extends beyond your investment strategy. Your team at Agility Wealth Management will help you consider other ways to plan for your financial future, including a wide array of insurance solutions that offer an additional layer of protection for you, your family or your business. From life insurance to long-term care, we help make sure you are prepared for life’s unknowns.

Estate Planning

After taking such great care to build your estate, you want it to be as focused and efficient as possible. Through the skillful use of wills, trusts and other legacy planning tools, Your team at Agility Wealth Management will help make sure your wealth is passed onto your heirs in precisely the manner you desire.

Testing for ‘What ifs’

As you transition from regular paychecks to relying on your accumulated wealth, any number of “what-if” scenarios have the potential to keep you up at night. There’s the specter of underperforming markets, higher-than-expected inflation, lower-than-expected interest rates, the outlook for Social Security, the increasing cost of healthcare – even the possibility you could outlive your resources. Your team at Agility Wealth Management has access to tools that take into account a number of potentially adverse factors to “stress test” for different scenarios, so you can have a plan to address them with confidence.

Account Protection

At Agility Wealth Management, we take the security of your accounts and information seriously. We go above and beyond industry standards in combining state-of-the-art cyber security technology, rigorous internal practices and protocols, and reliable resources, account protection and security.